January 18, 2010

Love in the corners

I sew badly. My sewing is limited to straight edges that won't show. I could probably sew a dress if my life depended on it, but it would be hideous.

My mother however, does sew. She sews beautifully. Even on things where it doesn't matter. She loves both the sewing and the people she sews for. I hadn't really thought about this until yesterday.

Every few years she makes each of us (there are 16 now with spouses, sisters and grandchildren) a new blanket. She chooses fleece based on our current likes. Each person gets a blanket chosen especially for them. I was wrapped up in Marc's blanket as mine was outside in the car. I was looking at the edges of the blanket and traced the decorative stitch around to the corner. I was thinking about the fact that she had made so many of these all at once. And when I was at the corner of the blanket i noticed that she had sewn the corner so it made a mitered corner instead of just overlapping the edges. She had stitched each corner before stitching the edges. To care so much about her work for something so simple as blanket made me realize how much she loves each one of us.

We may not notice the corners, but she knows they are there. She puts so much care into the things she makes for us. Each one is love stitched up in tidy corners. She may not say it all the time, but wrapped up in that blanket, I know.

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