February 16, 2008


It's spring. I know, it doesn't feel like it, or look like it. But it is. You can hear it if you really listen and smell it if you really want to. And I've got spring wanderlust. You know, that point in winter where the restlessness sets in and you're ready for change. Nothing can make you content. Not reading, not cooking, not handiwork, not anything. It's that waiting point and it's driving me crazy.


Sarah said...

Crap...I'm stuck at waiting. My whole life has become one big waiting game lately. I am going to go insane waiting.

Lesley said...

I feel *exactly* the same as you both, especially this weekend with the wind and rain..... it's a preface to spring. I am so restless, and ready for change, too... but stuck waiting, waiting....

Catherine said...

Yeah, my change is waiting for me, the move back home happens Thursday. I'm taking my sweet time and enjoying the change!