April 19, 2006

There is something soothing about yard work. I've spent most of the evening since school got out at 3:30 outside. I weeded, (I don't remember there being so many dandelions last year), dug out the hostas in the front flowerbed, planted hyachinths in their place, mowed and cleaned out the garage. I love the feeling of looking across the freshley mown lawn (even though the bermuda grass is still brownish) and seeing everything in it's place.
Now though, I'm thinking about things like fertilizer for the lawn and how I would love a leaf blower or how exciting a gas powered weedeater is. I can't wait until school is out then I can dig out the hostas in the back yard and plant my climbing roses and all the bulbs I have in the garage.

Now it's just the back yard to weed and mow, but that will have to wait.


Sarah said...

Would you like to come over and dig up my two rose bushes that died and rototill in some soil that is not so sandy? Replant new ones and then lay matting down and then the rock?

Jen Nuessen said...

umm...no. Not really. I hurt right now. Really hurt. Even my fingers and I didn't get all of the weeds, I kept finding more when I was mowing.