June 27, 2005

We were REALLY looking for a car

We really were, but ended up homeowners again. Not that I'm complaining. Marc and I both LOVE the house. And the price, for the space was fantastic.

This month we started out by looking for a van to replace the impala. Nothing really fit or felt right so we decided to just keep it until we found a suitable van. The following week was when Marc and I decided it would be best for the kids and our sanity if I stayed home and concentrated on other pursuits besides those of corporate America. Then a week and half ago, we saw this house. Which happened to be the right price, and the right amount of space. Also it's got the perfect backyard for a home studio.

Now my question is, if we would have gone ahead and bought a van, would we have new house?


LE said...

That lawn looks like it goes on for miles!

Anonymous said...

OMG Jen! Congratulations!! I looked at all the pictures on Flickr. It's beautiful! When did you move in?

Just in time for fourth of July too! I hope you have a great holiday weekend!

Congrats on your new home!

~ Ching